**Don't forget deadline for Design Team Call is 9/21 11:59pm PST. Email: dtcall@labeltulip.com**Hello Everyone and I hope you have had a GREAT weekend! After taking in a little summer sun, things are all a-buzz here at Label Tulip! The September kits sold out so fast and there are only a few cardstock and add-ons left -- hurry while they last! With an AMAZING October kit right around the corner (I spent the weekend planning the kit, it's amazing, 4 different varieties of paper, amazing embellies, you're going to LOVE IT!), the deadline for the Design Team Call ending tomorrow 9/21 at 11:59pm PST, and so many new ideas running around in my brain I want to introduce to the club, I thought maybe it's time to have a CONTEST and get some of these ideas goin'!!!
Yes, that's right, it's contest time. For the next 2 weeks, we are featuring the "Share Label Tulip With a Friend" contest. This contest has 2 ways to win, so please make sure you read carefully so you don't miss out on your chance to pick up one of these FABulous prizes!
1. Forum Freebie RAWK--For every friend that you can encourage to sign up for and "play" around in our forums, both you and your friend will be eligible to win a Label Tulip RAWK (photo to be released later this week on the blog, but I promise you, it's a good one!). Here are the rules: when your friend signs up for the forums, please have them send me a PM with their name and your name. During the next 2 weeks, they must post at least 10 times in the forum; on October 5th, we will announce the winners and each one will receive the RAWK kit. So, for example, if you encourage your friend Jenny to sign up, Jenny will PM me with her name and yours after registering in the forums. You are eligible to win for each friend that enters. Our online community continues to grow leaps and bounds and this is just one more way we can share our wonderful Label Tulip Message Forums with as many friends as possible.
2. Have a Friend Subscribe and Receive a Free Subscription!--This is a truly amazing giveaway! For every friend of yours that signs up for either a 3 month or 6 month subscription, you will be eligible to win your own 3 MONTH FREE SUBSCRIPTION in addition to your current! When your friend signs up, have her mention your name in the PayPal comments and you will be automatically entered to win. A few rules:
a) You must already be a kit subscriber to be eligible for your friend to sign up and for you to win the free extension
b) If your friend cancels the subscription, then your free extension will be canceled as well
What am amazing deal to get 3 EXTRA MONTHS of Label Tulip kits -- a value of $118!!!
Both of these contests end 10/5/2009 so get your friends' entries in as soon as possible.
Good luck to everyone and I can't wait to see who wins! Please feel free to leave your comments here, as I'm ALWAYS happy to hear from you all, I read every single comment you leave! I'm sooooo excited for October, you're doing to die when you see the kit!!