Hi Ya'll!
So, my bad...that's what happens when I lay in the sun for a day -- my brain gets friend! I mistakenly said that the Design Team Call ends today instead of when it was supposed to end on Friday, but hey, that means it's your lucky ducky day! You have until 11:59PST tonight to get your submission in and we will be announcing the winner on Friday September 25th. I would announce the winner sooner, but ladies, I have over 100 design team submissions to review!! OMG, it's amazing! How am I ever going to chose? You all are the most talented bunch of gals out there, I wish I could take you all...but please, no matter what the results, continue to post in our gallery and remain a member of our forums; we have grown leaps and bounds in the past few weeks and there's such a sense of family and crazy art-making going on -- let's keep it up!!
Oh my gosh!! Wow, over 100!? I dont envy your decision Jennifer, have fun deciding!
Thanks for clarifying the new dates... I thought I was losing my mind! LOL! That's fantastic that you got so many submissions Jennifer! I surely don't envy you the task of making that decision... WOW! And growing by leaps and bounds is always a good thing! Can't wait to see who you pick! Good luck! Amy Tara
LOL, I was just a little confused!!
thanks for clarifying
Oh, the suspense! So cool that you had such a big response, Jennifer...but totally don't envy you on having to choose! Good luck! Hope you find the new Tulip Girls you've been looking for :)
Do exciting that there are so many people who would love to be a part of the team! Good lucky making a decision.
I'm glad you were drinking in the sunshine-- it gave me a chance to get my app in! ;) Have fun going through all those submissions!
Exciting for sure! Have fun going through all the submissions. Can't wait to see who the new team will be.
Holy Wow Jennifer!
over 100 applications.
The suspense is going to kill us all.
Lots of nail biting. LOL!
Good Luck.
Oh my heaven....wouldn't want to be you...that's for sure!! Can't wait to see your pick!!
WOW!!! This is just so exciting!!!! :)
I wanna have friday today! LOL! :)s
I just did the final tally...are ya'll ready for this?! 186 applications!! Winners coming soon!
WOW!! 186!! Talk about major eye candy huh? :) And how many spots are you filling?
Oh Wow....I can't wait to see who made the team!
(wish it was me)
I bet the competition is tough but I wish I'd tried... i didn't find out until too late! I should have paid more attention to the blog! Shucks!
Good luck with all you have to look through! I'm sure you will have a FABULOUS DT
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