Just wanted to pop on and say hello. My name is Anabelle O'Malley and I'm so excited to be one of the new Tulip Girls. Tulips are actually my very favorite flowers in the world. I love that they are the first that bloom in the spring and I love their simplicity. That's why I think it's a perfect fit for me to be at Label Tulip! Oh, and the fact that I absolutely adore the kits contributes a bit to my excitement, too. ;)
I live in Delaware with my husband and my son. I've been scrapping for the last five years and absolutely love it. I guess you could call it an obsession! One of the things that I love most about this hobby is the connections I have been able to make with other scrappers onine. I don't have an LSS nearby and none of my 'real world' friends scrap. So, the friendships I've formed online have been great. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone at Label Tulip and finding inspiration from you all.
I've also been lucky to work on the publication side of things. I've had cards published in Paper Crafts and Cards and my layouts have been found in Scrapbooks Etc., Scrapbook Trends, and Scrapbooks and Cards Today, to name a few. This past August, I found out that I was selected as one of the 2009 Memory Makers Masters, so my pages have been featured in this magazine this year! It's been an amazing experince.
I do have a life outside of scrapping, though. ;) Pre-Ryan I was a teacher (mostly first grade) and I taught for 16 years. Now, I work part time at the local university, but mostly spend time with Ryan and tackle the never ending laundry pile at home! He'll be going to school for a full day next fall, so I'm taking full advantage of the time I have left with him at home.
I could probably ramble on even more, but don't want to bore you to death! I'll leave you with one last thing. An image of my very favorite type of tulip.

Now it's your turn. Leave a comment by midnight Friday, April 3 telling me about your favorite kind of tulip or your favorite flower. I'll choose a winner from the comments and send out a little RAK. ;)
Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!
congrats! my favorite flower is the paperwhite...also simple, but with an amazing smell.
Big congrats to you! The spell of a Peony gets me every time!
Hey you! It was fun to read more about you! We don't have 1/2 day kindergarten here, so it will be a shock to my system when Kati starts school!
My favorite flower is a hydrangea - love them!
Congrats Annabelle! I'm with you I love white tulips! A close second is the lilac!
woohoo- cant wait to see what you show us!!
My Fav flower is the calla lily
congrats on making the team!
my fave flower is the peony :)
My absolute fave flower to cut is lilac, but I love tulips in my garden, especially the pink ones. I am not crazy about them cut though, I don't like the way they droop, lol
Soo glad you're here, I lurk on your blog! :) Congrats on being a new Tulip Girl, I am so looking forward to seeing more of your work! :) There is a BIG tulip festival each year here in MI that I am hoping we can actually get to this year - we love tulips in our household, as well as sunflowers and roses. :)
I love, love, love the "Queen of the Night" Tulip. Dark, velvety, and totally unexpected.
I can't wait to see what you bring :)
i love the double tulips, which tend to look like roses.
I love getting to know you more Anabelle!! Guess what? I LOVE tulip's too! They're my absolute FAVE. I love them all...especially the pink ones!
so glad you're here!
my favorite flower is the peony - I wish they grew down in the south because they are soo gorgeous.
So glad to meet you. My favorite flower is a gerber daisy.
Welcome to Label Tulip Annabelle! So exited to see your work!
I love all flowers - since lots represent different times of my life or about life in general. My crocuses, daffodils and dogwood tree bloom in the spring. I just love the smell of jasmine too. When my clematis blooms in my archway I just love to sit under it and watch the sunlight filter through. Roses, mostly odd colors - purple, orange, yellows, are some of my favorite. And in the fall love to have a bouquet of daisies and mums.
Have a wonderful day!
I just love the scent of Lilies and they last much longer than a typical cut flower. More time to enjoy! thanks for the giveaway....exciting stuff!
hey Annabelle!
welcome to LT. Can't wait to see your fab creations in the gallery.
Well my fav flower is tulips as well.......but it has to be yellow!! Nothing like a little bit of sunshine in your garden!!
I adore flowers of all sorts! Tulips are pretty high on the list, but my absolute favorite flower is the Tiger Lily!
It depends on the season, but my favorite spring flower is definitely the tulip--red is the color of choice! Squirrels and deer eat them here so I have to buy them at the grocery store!
Congrats to you!! I love tulips, the yellow ones but alas! It's difficult to get them in Singapore and once I did receive them but the petals opened out too wide due to the humidity!
My 2nd favourite flower has got to be the Lily... I just love the serene and classy feel/look to them! Not to mention my then-bf-now-DH gave me lilies on our first date (coz I'm not a rose type of gal)
My favorite flower is the daffodil--they are so happy and when I see them I know that spring is coming! Congrats on becoming an LT girl! :)
I lurveeeeeeeeeee Tulips...... in Brunei its hard to get Tulips not unless its the season and most likely get dem during Chinese New Year.... but re-potting is def a no no... not rite for the weather....
My other likings... cabbage flowers and the gerber daisies.....
Congrats to you...
My flower would be the yellow tulip, love it's beauty.
Welcome to Label Tulip Annabelle!! Happy to hear that Tulip is your favorite flower! Yay!! Other than tulip, I love Peony in pink color!
Congrats Anabelle! My favorite flower is the Gardenia and Daisy.
Love the tulips that look like roses, pink with a shot of green in them, don't know what they are called. I've tried growing them in my garden but no luck yet. I also love clematis but they struggle to bloom here in Ice(cold)land. Congrats on you CT spot, love your work.
Congrats on being a Tulip girl - I know you are gonna rick the kits!!
My fav flowers are orange roses and light pink tulips!!
I am generally allergic to flowers and their perfume, but when I do get flowers it is always a TULIP or the Gerber daisy... I prefer the flowers only - no greenery and a smart simple vase!
love to garden, but need drugs to do it!!! LOL
My favorite flower is the Gardenia.....the smell is so fragrant....it is also my Grandmother's favorite.
My favorite flower is the wisteria, although it only blooms for a short time. I love all flowers especially wild flowers.
Tulips are my favourite! Especially pink ones or yellow ones!
Well, as my blog's name suggest, DANDELIONS is definitely my favorite flower. Till now, its such a wonder to see this tiny piece of flower going along with the wind and being strong enough to withstand it! :)
I am so looking forward to knowing you more here at LT! What fun to read more about you too...and how fun that I share the same love of tulips with you...They are my all time favorite flower!
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